YouTube Introduction:
The historical journey of the Sultanate of Malacca every year (1402-1528). From its foundation as a small Hindu settlement in southern Malay Peninsula, its golden age as a powerful Islamic sultanate in late 15th century, until its decline and fall by the Portuguese in early 16th century.
---- Music: - 'Zapin Ghalit' ~ Kedahan Malay Music by litmibimi (
Malacca was a unique city-state that sprang up out of nowhere in the early 1400s and for a century dominated trade between the Indian Ocean to the northwest, China and East Asia to the northeast, and Southeast Asia, where the most sought-after spices were produced.
Malacca quickly became the most cosmopolitan city in the region. A Portuguese source in the early sixteenth century reported merchants from sixty different countries, while an earlier Chinese source reported a hundred different languages were spoken in Malacca.
The success was short-lived. Malacca fell to the Portuguese in 1511, just as trade hubs did along the Malabar Coast in India and the east coast of Africa. The Portuguese shut down a prosperous period of international trade on the Indian Ocean that for some places had lasted centuries.
Learn more about Enrique of Malacca:
Frequently Uttered Questions
• Who was Enrique of Malacca? (History/Biography)
• What was Enrique of Malacca’s Real Name
• What was Enrique of Malacca’s Cause of Death?
• Was Enrique First to Circumnavigate the Earth?
• Where was Enrique of Malacca from?
• Was Enrique of Malacca Filipino?
Enrique of Malacca's origin is a subject of debate. Three places are considered possible: Malacca, then a major trade hub on the Malay Peninsula; Sumatra, the large island adjacent to Malacca (modern-day Indonesia); and the Visayan Islands in the (modern-day) Philippines. The following article examines the three possibilities and the evidence available. Read more.
Enrique's Voyage Profiles
On March 28, 1521, Enrique of Malacca became the first person to complete a linguistic circumnavigation of the globe—he traveled so far in one direction that he reached a point where his language was spoken. Enrique’s journey began a decade earlier following the sack of Malacca, when he became a slave of Ferdinand Magellan. Read more.
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